3 Days, 3 Quotes (Day 3)

It’s Day 3! I’m feeling a lot better now and managed to go to one lecture today. Hopefully, I’m good enough to go to the tute tomorrow, fingers crossed.

“You can be surrounded by people and still be lonely. You can be the most popular person in school, envied by every girl and wanted by every boy, and still feel completely worthless. The world can be laid at your feet and you can still not know what you want from it.”

— Chelsea Knot

This quote is from Speechless by Hannah Harrington, and it’s about a girl who took a vow of silence because the last secret she shared almost endangered someone. This quote is when she transformed from being the gossip girl of the school to someone who had all of that stripped away from her. It’s a very good read about personal discovery and growth.

Personally, this quote hit hard. I’m always surrounded by people, be it at home, in classes, in volunteering sessions, you name it. I’m vice president of an organisation, so I always have people texting me and calling me. My classmates ring me up to do their assignments with me. Despite that, sometimes I still catch myself feeling very lonely. All these people have their own circle of friends who would do anything for them, but not me. My family, best friend and boyfriend live far away from me and that hurts a lot. I have to admit, I got a bit emotional last week thinking nobody might even do anything for my birthday, which sucks because I’m not supposed to expect and ridiculous because my birthday isn’t for another two months!

Anyway, enough brooding! I’ll just send myself a couple of books and skincare stuff as a birthday gift, from me to me and celebrate when I’m meeting my BFF.


• Thank the person who nominated you. Thanks again Chizurue!
• Post a quote for 3 consecutive days (1 quote for each day, can be a super short post).
• Nominate three new bloggers each day.

I’m tagging you, the one reading this! Let me know if you do it so I can see your quotes.

Did this quote resonate with you? I’d love to know I’m not the only one feeling like this.

26 thoughts on “3 Days, 3 Quotes (Day 3)

  1. Aw, Dania 😦 I get that feeling too, even when surrounded by people (sometimes *especially* when surround by people), but I’m so sorry that you’re so far from everyone who’s close to you. That can be so tough. I know it’s not the same as having your family or bf or bff to talk to, but you can always talk to me if you’re having a bad day! ❤ Also, when's your birthday???


      • You’re not old!! We’re only a few years apart and I like to think that we’re still Young Adults. True, but I want to! Is your to-read shelf only books you haven’t owned?

        Liked by 1 person

      • As long as we read YA books, we’re considered YA, right? 😂 You mean on Goodreads? omg, my to-read shelf is a mess. I started using it to catalog books I’ve been recommended as well as books I own to kinda keep track… but it didn’t end up how I wanted it to and it just blegh now, lol. If you really want to send something, you should send a copy of your favorite book! I love reading other people’s favorites. 😀 (…I’ll also say that I don’t have Catching Fire or Mockingjay from the Hunger Games series, lol). You better start listing some wish-list items for when your birthday rolls around!

        Also, totally unrelated, but how do you pronounce your name?

        Liked by 1 person

      • I’ll check out if any of my favourite books are in your lane. If it’s not, rest assured you’ll be getting Catching Fire or Mockingjay hahaha (thanks for the backup plan). Oohhhhhh, I will, my TBR is expanding at an exponential rate so I really got to trim that down to things I really want to read LOL.

        Usually I just let people get away with calling me “Daniel without an L”, but the correct way is to pronounce all the As as in Dart, not Damn. Did you get that? I’m so bad at explaining phonetics T_T

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hahaha, perfect title for it!

        Nice! I was telling my bf about you yesterday and kept going back and forth on how it was pronounced and was just like “duh, I’ll just ask her,” haha. It’s such a pretty name! I’ve never heard it before.


      • YOU’RE SO SWEET AND PRECIOUS!! I wonder what variations of my name you’ve pronounced lol.

        And thank you! It’s Arabic (even though I’m 0% Arabic), and it means nearby. Weird, I know! But coupled with my other names it comes out as “The light that’s near” so that sounds alright hahahaha.


      • I couldn’t decide between dah-nee-uh and day-nee-uh, lol. It sounds much better pronounced how it’s supposed to be pronounced, hahaha.

        THAT’S SO COOL! My name means like “beloved, brave bear” or something 😂 Make it a pasture of beloved, brave bears if you include my middle name.


  2. Uuuu this book sounds verrryyyy interesting! Gotta go and look for that one later hehehe. I think this quote resonates well with me at this point in my life huhu but we gotta keep our chin up and keep moving forward right? Stay strong Tuna! xx


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